Our Facsimiles

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Alexander Diving

<p>The good king alexander the great, fol. 67r</p><p class="text-right"><a href="https://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=https://old.muellerundschindler.com/produkt/alexanders-tauchfahrt/" title="Facebook" target="_blank">&nbsp;</a><strong>Art.-No.:…

The New Jerusalem

<p>Facsimile leave of The New Jerusalem,<br />from the Hamilton Bible, fol. 464v</p><p>Library: Berlin, Kupferstichkabinett, call number 78 E 3<br />Provenance: Naples around 1350<br />Illuminator: workshop of Cristoforo…

John the evangelist

<p>Byzantine Tetra-Gospels, fol. 134r</p><p><strong>Art.-No.: </strong>1113</p><p><strong>Weight: </strong>0,5 kg</p><p><strong>Size: </strong>27 x 21 cm</p><p>Learn more about our pricing by sending an inquiry<br /><a class="golden-links"…

John the Evangelist

<p>Facsimile leave “John the Evangelist”<br />from the Uta Codex, fol. 89v</p><p><strong>Art.-No.:</strong> 2103</p><p><strong>Weight: </strong>0,5 kg</p><p><strong>Size: </strong>37,5 x 26 cm</p><p>Learn more about our pricing by sending an…

John the evangelist

<p>Grimbald Gospels, fol. 114v</p><p><strong>Art.-No.: </strong>1111</p><p><strong>Weight: </strong>0,5 kg</p><p><strong>Size: </strong>26 x 20 cm</p><p>Learn more about our pricing by sending an inquiry<br /><a class="golden-links"…

Christ in Paradise

<p>Gospel Book from the Bamberg Cathedral Treasury, fol. 20v</p><p><strong>Art.-Nr.: </strong>1149</p><p><strong>Gewicht: </strong>0,5 kg</p><p><strong>Größe: </strong>30,5 x 23 cm</p><p>Learn more about our pricing by sending an inquiry<br…

Ascension of Christ

<p>Marien-Homilien, fol 3v</p><p><strong>Art.-No.: </strong>1132<br /><br /><strong>Weight: </strong>0,5 kg</p><p><strong>Size: </strong>21 x 16 cm</p><p>Learn more about our pricing by sending an inquiry<br /><a class="golden-links"…

Hamilton Bible

<p>Scenes from Genesis</p><p>Fol. 4r</p><p><strong>Art.-No.: </strong>2105</p><p><strong>Weight: </strong>0,5 kg</p><p><strong>Size: </strong>37 x 26 cm</p><p>Learn more about our pricing by sending an inquiry<br /><a class="golden-links"…
Themed Worlds